Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dave Barry ruined my life

So here I am in the middle of the night thinking, because Amber has decided that since she cant find her book light that instead of going to another room for post sex reading before she goes to sleep she will just turn the light on in our room while I'm post sex sleeping as is MY ritual. Either way, I was thinking about how people argue that T.V. damages impressionable young adults. For much of my life I have disagreed on the claim that a person is intelligent enough to wade through the made up muck and go on with their lives in a mature aware of the consequences kinda way. Tonight on the other hand I think of the line that influenced me more than any other in my life. I don't know how many of you remember life with Dave a sitcom based on the life of columnist Dave Barry. Well I was an impressionable young adult when that show was on the air and one fateful day Dave said " Kids, taking sex off the ironing board and putting it back into the bedroom where it belongs." WOW! YOU CAN HAVE SEX ON AN IRONING BOARD! says my young impressionable mind. To this day I have tried to find a way to master the art of this. A passion that lead to cuts, bruises, and sprains until I finally gave up (mostly because amber said no freaking way, absolutely not, never again!) I'm not sure how to make an exclamation point angry but if you would imagine it that way you will get a better picture. Anyway so here I am at one o'clock in the morning pondering a scenario that will never come to to fruition and thinking damn you Dave Barry.


  1. Gave you an award. Go to my page and check it out.

  2. LOL I have never seen that TV show, but I have to say....that is what I would have thought too! hee hee I think it has to do with ones personality. :-) So, your mind was in the gutter LONG time ago huh? Awesome!
